Hello everyone i am back! its strange for me to be updating so early in the morning. actually its weird for me to be awake so early in the morning. But im on a train!!!! ya. a train. not gonna say where im going because ill probabl doxx myself, but its around souther england in i think the east? which is the opposite to where i live, as a northerner in a smallish town (is smallish a word?????) i always wondered what its like to live in a city. i mean ive been to london plenty of times, never to their airport though. apparently its shit there (in the airports) i remember in year 2, i went to manchester airport and i saw Concord. i dont really remember much about that experience, but i do remember this boy getting yelled at because he asked if we could fly back on it. i dont know why it was such a big deal, but it was, poor Ashkan i guess.
For some reason yesterday i was dancing in my mirror (do not ask) then i started crying??? i hate the way i look, why wasnt i born a guy??? im ot trans though i promise. id just love to be a guy :))) (im buing a binder bcause the sight of my body makes me physically sick)
Anyways, im nervous about Ava, i dont wanna cry when i see her because me and my aunts are already kinda distant, and i dont want them to like me any less. but i cant help but think about when i could of had a child. thats right!! i was preguntina! it wasnt my choice though. and i was so young i probably would have died anyways. or the kid. but now its unlikely ill have children and honestly, even though i dont want any, id love to have that option, instead on having it taken away from me by someone who was supposed to love me. maybe thats why im so scared of loving someone. they might betray my trust like he did. plus love is an ache you never seem to get rid of. I hate love and what shes done to me.
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